week of WIPs: Day 3

After working on my Tree Farm Socks, I was fighting the urge to cast on a new pair of socks for myself. I managed to convince myself to pull out Curling Mist, which I've been neglecting since about February. They're pretty slow going, but I found myself enjoying working on them a little more since they've been in time-out. It might be because the cable pattern is only on the top half of the sock now so it's a little easier and faster. I did have to take a break to hand wind the cakes of yarn that had fallen apart into balls, but even that was kind of enjoyable. I think that process also helped relax the yarn a little, which had been twisting pretty severely. I love the Birch Hollow Sylvia Sock more than I remember liking it when I started the project. If I happen to get these finished, they might also become my mom's.

until tomorrow,

xo Uhlissa


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