2021 Goals and Progress
1. Finish all WIPs active at the end of December 2020.
- Kasmir
- Tree Farm Socks
- Scoops Ahoy - finished January 9th
- Hoarfrost - finished February 28th
- Reno Casino Cowl - finished January 2nd
Progress: 3 (60%)
- January - 2 (40%)
- February - 1 (20%)
- March - 0
- April - 0
- May - 0
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
2. Total Projects - 25
This goal was set solely because Ravelry asked if I would like to set a challenge for myself. Last year I managed 16 projects, and I thought 25 would be reasonable since I intend to focus on socks instead of shawls and other larger projects. The two 2020 WIPs that were finished in January are not included in the count below, but might be counted in the overall total if I fall short of 25 new projects.
Progress (new projects only): 13 (52%)
- January - 1 (4%)
- February - 2 (8%)
- March - 2 (8%)
- April - 2 (8%)
- May - 3 (12%)
- June - 3 (12%)
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
3. The Year of the Socks
With minimal exceptions, stick to the year's theme of socks. This is a less measurable goal, but I've added sub-goals to try to keep on track. These will also overlap with my total project goal.
- Knit at least one pair of socks a month
- Progress:
- January - Sumu
- February - Have A Heart Valentine Socks
- March - Pucker, Impossibly Possible
- April - Kindred Spirits, Green Gables
- May - Lady Cordelia, Raspberry Cordial
- June - Wookie Socks, Hermione's Everyday Socks, Colour Twist
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- As a part of EatSleepKnit Yarnathon - earn zodiac badge knitting socks ( this is a challenge to knit 12 of the same type of item). The Yarnathon requires using yarn purchased from ESK, so there will be some projects that will fall under the previous goal, but not this one.
- Progress:
- January - N/A
- February - Have a Heart
- March - Pucker, Impossibly Possible
- April - Kindred Spirits, Green Gables
- May - Lady Cordelia, Raspberry Cordial
- June - Wookie Socks, Hermione's Everyday Socks, Colour Twist
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
4. Skip out on Shawl MKALs (for at least six months and excluding the two that started in January)
I thought about swearing off shawls all year, but I am trying to be reasonable here...
Failed! - Made it until April.
Additional goals may be added as the year progresses.
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