Summer of Sweaters

 When last we met, I was plotting and planning several light summer tops. I am pleased to report I now have three sweater WIPs, and the only one I've made much progress on is being knit in worsted weight wool (i.e. - the opposite of a light summer top).

In my defense, the 3rd quarter of the Yarnathon began on the 1st, and it was hard to resist jumping in. I'm working on Dimbala by Laura Chau, using the insanely wonderful yarn Classy from Dream in Color. When I started looking for a pattern for this quarter, I was surprised how many of Laura's patterns were already in my queue. I wanted to do something that felt very different from all the things I've been working on, so I opted for this worsted weight sweater, which drew me in with it's henley neck and elbow length sleeves. I'm adding a few extra inches to the body and am hoping to split for the neck today. I love how quickly it seems to be going and can't wait to see how it turns out.

I also recently cast on Leaves Shell with hopes of participating in a KAL. I got the yoke completed pretty quickly (and miraculously only made one mistake in the lace) and blocked it. The next step involved picking up a few hundred stitches for the body. After several failed attempts to get the stitches picked up, I put this project in time out. I absolutely love the idea of the top and the Shibui Fern I'm using, but I need a break while my frustration subsides. 

I've only worked on my Birdwatcher here and there the last few weeks and it still needs a few more inches of body. I'm really not sure why I'm refusing to focus on one thing, but eventually I'll have a bunch of new things to wear and that's pretty exciting.  

Until next time,

xo Uhlissa


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