I think my biggest knitting accomplishment of the last few months was actually finishing Birdwatcher. After the hem, it was endless stockinette and I couldn't focus at all. Fortunately, i took it with me on a trip that involved quite a bit of time in a car. It was perfect car knitting! I got so much done on that trip, that I was able to finish it up pretty quickly. It is now one of my favorite articles of clothing to wear and I can't believe I let myself take so long to make it!
Maybe by most ambitious project of the year, Wolf River is not something I would have thought to make without the Yarnathon. I know I've mentioned it a bunch this year, but this competition, put on by a LYS in Georgia that I stumbled upon online last year has really been an amazing influence in my knitting this year. For the fourth quater, the focus was on chunky lace. I definitely trend against heavy weight yarns and any significant lace in my knitting, but I felt up to the challenge.
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