
 I think my biggest knitting accomplishment of the last few months was actually finishing Birdwatcher. After the hem, it was endless stockinette and I couldn't focus at all. Fortunately, i took it with me on a trip that involved quite  a bit of time in a car. It was perfect car knitting! I got so much done on that trip, that I was able to finish it up pretty quickly. It is now one of my favorite articles of clothing to wear and I can't believe I let myself take so long to make it!

Birdwatcher by Casapinka
Cast on: 6/6/21
Cast off: 10/5/21
Yarn: Miss Babs Yummy 2-ply in In The Meadow. 2.65 skeins (1058 yds)

Maybe by most ambitious project of the year, Wolf River is not something I would have thought to make without the Yarnathon. I know I've mentioned it a bunch this year, but this competition, put on by a LYS in Georgia that I stumbled upon online last year has really been an amazing influence in my knitting this year. For the fourth quater, the focus was on chunky lace. I definitely trend against heavy weight yarns and any significant lace in my knitting, but I felt up to the challenge. 

Wolf River by Melissa Schaschwary
Cast on: 10/18/21
Cast off: 11/7/21
Yarn: Cascade Eco + in Satine . 2.18 skeins (1042 yds)
This sweater is so comfy I've been wearing it every chance I've had since it cooled off. Not thrilled with how poorly I picked up stitches for the sleeves, but definitely not disappointed enough to rip them out and try again. 

All these recent big, wearable projects have been so awesome, I'm thinking about committing a large part of my knitting next year to further enhancing my wardrobe. I've got ideas! So, so many ideas. Hopefully I'll have progress to match soon!

xo uhlissa


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