WIP Roundup 6/26 and Soooo Many Plans

I want to make all the things right now ! It's been a few weeks since I have shared much but finished projects, but I haven't been terribly focused in my knitting lately, so there's still plenty to catch up on. I needed one more little project to reach my goal for the Yarnathon second quarter sock craft a long, so I started browsing ravelry for patterns for short socks. I had never had much interest in making shorties until I saw some absolutely gorgeous creations in the forums. It wasn't quite what I had in mind, but I found the Colour Twist pattern and decided to use some leftovers from other q2 projects and play around a little and see what I could come up with. I've been playing with stripes to sort of mimic a fade, and the texture of the stitches has created a pretty interesting effect. These should be done this weekend, and I'll move onto some non-sock projects. A few weeks ago I cast on Birdwatcher one night when I couldn'...