FO Alert: Green Gables

I'm way behind on posting these, but taking decent pictures proved to be rather challenging. They clearly need to be blocked,  but I never block socks and don't intend to start now. 

Green Gables by Lisa K Ross

Northbound Knitting Merino/Nylon Fingering in Saltwater (272 yds)

Cast on: 4/7/21

Cast off: 4/18/21

I love everything about this pair of socks except for the lace on the toe. I love it in other people's pictures and in theory, but I do not love the way the toes look on my feet. I have not tried to actually wear them yet, so maybe I'll change my mind and realize it doesn't bother me so much.  I should have knit the yo's through the back loop to make smaller eyelets, but of course I didn't think about that until I was done. 


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