A New Beginning
In college and for a few years after, a friend and I maintained a knitting blog. No one but us ever looked at it, but I fondly remember the entertainment it brought us. A few months ago, after I had started knitting consistently again, I got the urge to revisit that blog. I even posted to it for the first time in a decade. I made grand plans to update it regularly, but after a few weeks of procrastination and reflection, I decided that if I wanted to blog, it was time to move on and find a new home for my writing, just as my friend and I had moved on in our lives. So, I find myself here with a blank canvas and so many thoughts about how to fill it. This is definitely a project I'm undertaking for myself, to give myself an outlet and hopefully a place to document memories that I will be able to look back on fondly one day as I've recently looked back on the days of dorm room knitting and scouring campus for the best places to photograph finished projects.
xo uhlissa
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