Weekley WIP Roundup 4/11

This turned into another cast on week. I have so many things I want to knit right now, that I have a feeling this is going to continue for the foreseeable future. Green Gables , the second sock of Lisa Ross' KAL , has me totally smitten. I think this was the one of the four patterns I was most excited about, and so far it hasn't disappointed. I don't do much lace knitting, but this was a manageable amount in a fairly intuitive pattern. I've lost some momentum now that I'm onto the fairly plain leg/foot, but I'm still really enjoying them. Boyfriend has been patiently watching me knit things for myself for months, and I think he was starting to feel a little left out. I bought this amazing Star Wars book about a month ago, knowing there were several things in it that he would appreciate. The pattern I was most excited about was the Wookiee socks , which I cast on for him a couple of nig...